Monday, October 23, 2006

Put Up Your Hand

Put your hand up if you have ever found yourself running late to anything because of misplacing your handbag. I doubt there is one among us that doesn’t have a hand swaying in the air right now!

Well this morning was similar, however, it wasn’t my handbag. It was my daughter’s school bag. True, she is old enough to be responsible for her own belongings now, yet I believe that if I had been just a little more conscious of her today and tomorrow, she would not have started the day in tears.

Eventually realizing that it had been left behind after a visit to her grandparents, we sighed with relief and made a pact to organize her bag including lunch and homework the night before. Of course soggy tomato sandwiches will not feature, but the bulk of tomorrow’s lunch can easily be prepared earlier than 10 mins before the school bus.

Before day light saving hits our doorsteps, endeavour to create a new and improved routine so your mornings will be filled with slow breakfasts with time to read the paper, rather than tears and high blood pressure.

Good luck.
©The Family Room 2006


thefamilyroom said...

Oh Michaela that is so me! I can't tell you how many mornings I've left my house and have had to turn around and come back home to get something. I def. need to get better at getting myself more organized. You've challenged's good!

Anonymous said...

Jonah went to school with no shoes on this morning because yesterday was mufti day and he couln't find where he left them the day before!
He didn't really mind as they take them off as soon as they get to school anyway - it's too hot for shoes in Fiji!
Just sharing with the group in the spirit of it happens to us all!!!

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