Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Grab & Go Box

Like most of you, we have a very busy household. With three children school schedules, after school activities (swimming, dance, soccer, basketball and music lessons, etc.). I must note that schedules do vary during throughout the year, we aren't the hyper schedule family. However in saying that, life is and remains busy.

I have found that being on the run, especially after school, when the children are hungry can be a challenge. Because of this I have created 'The Grab & Go Box'. This box sits in the pantry (in a place where the children can reach) and it is full of quick, healthy snacks that the children (and I if need be) can grab whilst on the move. In addition, I always have fruit washed and at the ready in the fridge. I chop up seasonal fruits and put them in tupperware containers in perfect bite size pieces and keep apples and other fruits washed and ready to go. I find this a great time saver and something that allows me piece of mind, knowing that they aren't filling their tummies with empty calories that do nothing for them.

'The Grab & Go Box' Contents:
  • Granola Bars
  • Individual unsweetened Apple Sauce/Blueberry Sauce
  • Rice Cakes
  • Popcorn
  • Dried Apricots and Dates
  • Fruit Source Bars
  • Bran Bars (remember, fibre is your friend even for our children)
  • Homemade muffins (on occasion)

I'm not sure what you have organized in your home for the afternoon rush. If your find this a challenging time then please take the 'Grab & Go Box' idea and make it your own. Create something that your family will enjoy whilst staying healthy. Also, remember this box is good for any age, just tailor it to your families needs.




Anonymous said...

What a great idea. I'm always rushing around trying to grab something for my kids. Never thought about a 'grab and go box'. How strange.
I'm getting one organised now - after I finish this message.
Thanks Susan.

Anonymous said...

Another great idea from the family room. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I have something like this but it's not the Grab and Go Box. Think I will adopt that name.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing such a great idea, Susan. In our home, it is my husband who brings the children back after school and he was saying only yesterday how hungry they always are at this time and how we need to have something healthy ready for them.
He's going to love the grab and go box idea!

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