Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Journey and the Destination

Enjoy the journey

Having small children, I enjoy the privilege of experiencing the wonder of childhood almost every day.

Last weekend, I took my kids on the Toronto subway for the very first time. On entering, my seven-year-old could barely contain his excitement at the thought of speeding through an underground tunnel on a train. He clutched his younger sister’s hand on the platform, their eyes glittering in anticipation. We managed to get the front seat next to the conductor. My children sat backwards with their faces plastered against the window, and I couldn’t help compare their wonder with the adult interpretation of the ride: the dull, daily ritual that transports them to and from work each day.

I believe that deep within us all, lies a longing to recapture this innocent celebration of life. I saw glimpses of that desire show itself in the smiles on the faces of nearby passengers as they watched my children marvel in the simplicity of a ride on the subway. Their joy was contagious and many were eager to be part of it.

When we emerged from the subway on the way to the famous Royal Ontario Museum, I wondered what my kids would remember more fondly – the ride on the subway or the visit to the museum itself. As is true with many things, isn’t the journey often more memorable than the destination?



Susan Sohn said...

great story rebecca. i love this one. you capture the moment so very well.
thank you.

Anonymous said...

Love this story. Heard it mentioned on Susan's radio show. Really like the picture too.
Thanks Belinda.

Anonymous said...

WOW...this makes you stop and think..
Thank you!
Beautifully put!

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